Thanks for the suggestions, but I'm still stuck.

*bpa*: You are right, it is the same symptoms. I read through the thread
that you pointed to, and tried a few more things.

I checked my transporter voltage on the settings>information screen, and
it is always between 129 & 131...except once after turning it off it
dipped to 49 and returned immediately to 130. I wonder if part of the
power savings makes the voltage display differently and we never notice
it because I looked at the voltage continuously (forcing a screen
refresh every time) and it was always normal.

*garym*: The transporter will not play from any source, including internet radio: like all other attempts, it says "now
playing..." and the elapsed time displays 0:00 and stays there.

I forced the transporter to  downgrade to firmware 84, and then upgrade
back to 87 in case it needed to be refreshed. It made no difference.

As suggested in the other thread, I set logging of
network.protocol.slimproto to INFO, and I got the same symptoms as
DrJazzer: my transporter fullness goes up to fullness=3145727, and stays
there without ever emptying, unlike my other players where the fullness
gets emptied and returns to zero.

>From now on, I will add to the other thread and join that group because
we all seem to be in the same predicament.

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