KeBul wrote: 
> Wow, I've battered my setup with testing for over 10 hours now, trying
> to reproduce the issue and I think I've made some sort of progress, I've
> gone from rough memory, trying to replicate what I'd done when the
> volume dropped to 49% to actively abusing the setup trying to break it.
> (I used to be a software tester... ah!! those good old days!!) 
> I've managed to get the volume to change seemingly on it's "own", as
> Michael thought, initiating a connect and play from the Spotify App
> which previously had a different volume level set and the volume change
> was immediate on playing...
> >   > 
  - So Touch volume = 85 
  - Open Spotify App (on MacOS) and connect to Touch - Spotify App
  > volume slider moves up to a higher level, Touch volume remains at
  > 85%
  - Reduce volume using slider in Spotify App, there's no % indication
  > in the App but Touch volume level follows and drops to a lower
  > level, in this test 44%
  - In LMS Web UI switch to playing a local file - Touch volume
  > remains at 44% local file plays, Spotify App playing is paused but
  > connect remains "listening" to Touch player
  - Increase Touch volume back to 85% in LMS Web UI
  - Go back to Spotify App and click on play for the paused track -
  > Play on Touch swaps from local file to Spotify track and volume on
  > Touch drops back to 44%
  > > > 
> This, from Michael's comments is probably expected behaviour, although
> re-synching of volume does seem inconsistent depending how you
> initiate the connection, sometimes Spotify App will change to
> LMS/player volume setting, sometimes LMS/player volume will change to
> Spotify App volume.
> However, I've also managed to get volume changes whilst playing
> outside of Spotify Connect and that's from further testing around this
> concept of getting Spotify App and LMS/Spotty out of sync, especially
> by direct selecting a non-Spotify track or stream in LMS Web UI whilst
> a Spotify Connect is still in progress (Step 4 above), in this state,
> play from the Spotify App via connect is paused *but the connect
> remains in place* and the volume of the player can still be changed
> from the App even though it's not actually playing through the App...
> Obviously this may not be everyone's issue - but I'm fairly sure I've
> managed to replicate my volume change issue...
> Being new to this Spotify thing and not being overly familiar with the
> App or connect, but wanting to explore the integration with LMS, I
> first tried to find Plant & Krauss Raise the Roof using search in LMS
> Web UI, that didn't find anything, so I used the Spotify App on my Mac
> and selected my SB Touch through the devices menu. After listening to
> that album Spotify continued to queue up more tracks, I then tried the
> search artist option in LMS Web UI managing to find another artist and
> browsed for albums on Spotify, found the album I was after and played
> it.
> This, as I've subsequently found out, pauses the play on the Spotify
> App but leaves the player connected to the App. At some time whilst
> listening to this second album I must have gone back to the Spotify
> App (I may even have exited the App and then re-opened it later, the
> connect but not playing state remains), and whilst in the App must
> have adjusted the volume - which reduced the volume on the Touch,
> (mute in the App doesn't mute the player but then un-mute will then
> change the volume of the player to match the App volume). Bear in mind
> I was new to, and playing around in, the App and probably wasn't aware
> of the significance of the connected status.
> Along similar lines, I tested whether this behaviour occurs with the
> IOS App - having put the setup back into the connected but not playing
> state on the MacOS App I then closed that App and opened the Spotify
> IOS App on my iPhone - that also picked up the connected but not
> playing state (Spotify user cached state), in this case though one
> "innocuous" click on the volume down button on the side of the phone
> saw the volume on the player drop to 23%. 
> I have log files for these incidents, but would probably need to
> notate to indicate what I did where in the log file, but I think it's
> easily reproduced following the steps above and having a little play
> around.
> Thoughts??
> KevIn my case the volume always jumps to 49 or 50% though. It never jumps
to any other value.

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