Hi Bill

Many thanks for the considered feedback!  I agree with your summary of
requirements, they are pretty much what I had in mind.  The
Slimserver/Squeezebox is fairly easy to set up to do all of those
things EXCEPT that smart selection by conductor/etc is less than

I'll just address a couple of the easier points:

- Gapless - yes, you're right to highlight this as a requirement.
However you don't have to go the single file/cuefile route - FLAC,
properly ripped, will do this just fine.  Equally, if you go the single
file/cue sheet route you can still play a single movement if you fancy
(Slimserver works out that it is a "track").

- grouping the tracks/movements correctly together to make a piece (eg
symphony) is also, I agree critical. This is why the "Album"
recommendation is key.  If you set up the 4 movements of a symphony to
be one album then slimserver will find it very easy to play that album
for you

- listening to a whole CD is made easy if you use the recommendation to
put one CD in one directory - then you can use the Browse Music Folder
function to play it (although the pieces might not come out in the same
order - this depends on careful track naming)  

I appreciate your request for a fully detailed scheme for all of this. 
There's a dilemma waiting for us (me!) here though: if I write up one of
doing it and say "do it this way" there will be lots of people who have
equally valid ways who might disgaree. Which is better will depend on
subtleties in desired usage.

The way I'd thought of which might address this - its come up in
another context as well - would be to write a "This is how I did it"
example, which leaves it open to others to contribute their own.  Would
that be helpful?

The last point is a bit more fundamental: any guide can only describe
how to use the system as it is, not how we'd like it to be. And its
fair to say that I've not yet seen a perfect system for dealing with
the complexities of Classical Music playing, there is a certain amount
of kludging going on here.  There may well be a case for a separate
thread asking for more/better functionality!

In the meantime I'll have a go at bringing some of your comments and
suggestions into the Guide as it is.

Thanks again for the feedback!


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