On 07/01/06, Kevin Weller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been looking for a way to look at what's in my SlimServer db and
> Moose (v.020) seems just the ticket...if I could get it working!
> I suspect I've done something daft.
> When I load the program it sits there 'Awaiting server response'. If I
> open the Library page the display at the bottom says 'Connected to
> server.. logging in.. please wait'.
> Local details: This is on Win XP Pro SP2, SlimServer is sitting on
> another machine and there's no security on it so username and password
> are blank, clicking the browser button brings up my SlimServer web page
> correctly, server IP contains the same IP as the server url, CLI port
> is at the default 9090 (I've no idea how to check it on SlimServer so I
> assume it's OK, I tried turning off the SP2 firewall and that didn't
> make any difference... I don't know what else I can tell you.
> Any ideas?

Excluding firewall issues, it could be an invalid setting in the options page.

The value in Server IP should just be a numeric IP address of the form:
(no https or port numbers, etc)
CLI Port should just be 9090
And Username / Password should both be blank (no spaces, etc)..

They're the only settings which would cause this I think.

- Dr Lovegrove
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