rick's cafe Wrote: 
> one thing I've notice with my set up is that there is a considerable
> delay when browsing my music folders on the SB3.  Once I drill into a
> folder it often takes 10 secs to drill down further into the
> artist/album listings.
I need to read more carefully ... 
You say it's slow when browsing music folders.
Do you mean, it's slow when using the "browse music folder" menu item?

If I understand properly, that function bypasses the database and
re-reads the various folders. So then the thing that is slowing you
down is hard disk speed and connectivity.

You mentioned that your hard disk is an external. What flavour of
connection does it have? USB1? USB2? Firewire?

Does the corresponding port on your computer support the disk fully?
i.e. if it's a USB port, is the computer able to run USB2 on that port.
PIIIs at 500MHz are probably 4 or 5 years old .. they mostly didn't have
USB2 support.

If so, that may be part of your problem.

Possible solutions:
Faster/newer computer
Internal Hard disk
Newer faster USB hardware in your PC
Don't use the "browse music folder" function, but rather the ones by
artist/album/genre, which go through the database.

Hope this helps.

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