I think, legally, "limited" just means finite. It isn't more specific
than that. 

You may think a reasonable limit is 1 generation. Others might differ.
Your quote from the constitution doesn't say what they thought a
reasonable limit was, only that there should be some limit.

And I don't get your point about promoting progress. Surely promoting
music fits the category.

I get it that you think corporations are somehow different, but I'm not
clear on why. Suppose I write some great song and I sell it to a
corporation, who gives me a lump sum now because I don't care about my
heirs and future royalties. We agree on the net present value of my
potential future earnings, they give me this lump sum, I blow it on
alcohol (or Squeezeboxen) and now the corporation owns the copyright.
Is it any less legitimate because a corporation owns it? If you manage
to establish that in law, you make it impossible for the next guy down
the road who wants to do what I did.

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