kewe65 Wrote: 
> fyi, while in random mode on the CD and only changing between songs on
> that CD, there is no lag whatsoever.  it is, in fact, as fast or faster
> then changing between album songs in audio files.

Of course, in that mode, just what will your SB say, since it has no
way of knowing what random track is playing?

I guess this reminds me of how a certain-other-vendor claimed "we
support XM radio!"   And when you actually looked at the details it was
"yes, plug your XM radio into your sound card, and then you can listen
to it!"  ("Oh?  And how do I change stations?"  "Just walk to the radio
and change them...")

Sure, you can make it work.  But you'll actually have more issues than
it's worth unless it has just-as-much-support-as-plug-into-soundcard. 
Things like getting the disc table of contents (ie, album name,
artists, track names) into the database is going to be even more hassle
than letting a pc-based ripper look them up and tag them.

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