Quoting Cams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I'm just curious to know whether this behaviour can be changed. I'm
listening to one SB3 and move to another room and wish to sync, so I go
through Settings > Synchronise and it makes the track restart. This is
particularly annoying when listening to podcasts, which I do regularly.

Can this be prevented from happening?

not at this time. The syncronisation feature works by matching the buffer fills and starting playback for each player at the same instant for each track. It would be a better idea to sync before you start. There are a few enhancements requested for more advanced sync handling, but I'm not sure that skipping to a midpoint in a podcast is covered by any of them at this point. That would see mto require the ability for a player to connect to the existing stream going to another player. Right now, the server delivers a single stream to each player, even if they are copies of one another.


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