> The iPod interface is as easy to use as the SqueezeBox

I read again and again that the iPod was supposedly easy to use ... to
the point where I got one for my girlfriend.

Long story short, the touch-sensitive wheel thingie makes it almost
impossible for me to use - I have not been able to figure out how to
prevent it from triggering button actions when I want to scroll and
vice versa. Every time I want to press next (track) I end up changing
the volume. Once even drastically enough to nearly blow my eardrums
... Can't use it while not looking at it (coat pocket) either. The
menu structure is "very interesting".

All other pros and cons aside, why do people hype the godawful interface?

So that's: The iPod interface is _not_ as easy to use as the SqueezeBox

The only advantage I see in using an iPod to stream audio to one's
stereo is the multi-user aspect. When each member of the family has
their own iPod the music collections are nicely seperated, which is
not possible atm with the sb.

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