On 4/6/06, jonheal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

abr88 Wrote:
> Yes it finishes, but it takes about 5 minutes (and that's for "look for
> new", not a complete rescan!)! I wonder why that might be if yours
> takes only 90 seconds for a full????
Five minutes! And you're complaining?! I'd kill for five minutes! I'm
runnning Windows 2K on an ancient Athlon XP and my 5000 tracks takes
about a half hour!

Actually, I just click the button to rescan, and then go drink beer.

And of course this process beats the crap out of your hard drive. I
think those folks that do it daily are nuts. They're just asking for
metal filings.

All of these times are mostly meaningless unless they also include the server version (and date for non-final releases like 6.2.2 and 6.5).


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