I'm a late responder to this thread, but here goes:

funkahdafi Wrote: 
> I don't have the time. I want to listen to my music, not do some geek
> tech stuff.
Then listen to it! And don't panic if the songs don't appear exactly as
you want. The time required to fix your faulty data would be far less
than moaning about it in this forum.

> My tags are all right enough to contain the right artist/album/title
> information. Some of them have mixed up capitalizations for which I
> couldn't care less. Because David Bowie IS DAVID BOWIE, and his album
> hErOes IS his album Heroes. Period. No matter what tech geeks will tell
> me about this.
Ahh but there's the rub. You don't care about capitalisation. But
others probably do. For them, hErOes is hErOes, not Heroes, not heroes
and not HEROES.

> If a piece of software is treating the same artist or the same album as
> multiple artists/albums, because the caps are different on some tracks,
> then (and please excuse my language) this software is too stupid to
> follow human thinking logic.No, it's too stupid to follow your logic. Nothing 
> wrong with that. But
don't let your enjoyment of music be spoiled by something as
insignificant as this, especially when there is a perfectly good
solution (and one that ensures you won't have the problem again should
you port your music to another player).

> See I do not want to adapt to how computers "think". I want computers to
> think my way and work for me. That's what they're here for. It's not the
> other way around (aka spending months of time fixing tags).
> No offense. 
None taken. I've got around 10,000 songs but I can assure you I haven't
spent months cleaning them up. Look there is always a certain amount of
fixing to do. It all comes back to the person who created the freedb
record. Try ripping classical music or music by non-English speaking
artists. It's practically a dead cert that you'll have to edit the tags
in those cases.

> For me as a human being with some logic in thinking, David Bowie IS the
> same as DAVID BOWIE, no matter what anyone tells me. And if Slimserver
> makes his single album Heroes into two different albums, because one of
> the tracks has the album tag "heRoEs", then Slimserver plain and simple
> sucks.
Slimserver isn't making the album into two different albums - your
ripping process is. Fix that! Come on, it's an easy fix - select all
the songs in the album in a tagger, and set the Album name to hErOes or
Heroes or whatever you want, and it will write the change to all files.
If your slimserver is set to automatically re-scan, that's all you have
to do.

Cheers, Ian

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