fingers Wrote: 
> I decided to try ripping a number of CD to .wma instead of .mp3.  I used
> Windows Media Player to rip the CDs.  The thing that is strange is that
> if I play the .wma files in Windows Media Player they all play just
> fine.  However, when playing them with SlimServer they don't.  All the
> tracks for each album are listed, when I start to play the album it
> typically plays part of the first track and then skips to another track
> and play part of it and then skips to another or stops playing the album
> all together as it has now reached the end.  This is happening with
> every album that contains .wma files but does not happen to any of the
> albums that contain .mp3 files.
> Any clues?
How are you rescanning after adding .wma tracks? Are you *replacing*
any .mp3s with .wmas? Or have you been experimenting with .wma at
different bitrates?

I found that when I changed even just the bitrate (never mind the
format) of tracks, then it was best to do a "forget everything" scan
from scratch. I got behaviour rather like what you describe when I
re-ripped some tracks to .wma at a higher bitrate, and either didn't
bother rescanning, or didn't do a "forget and rescan".

Apart from that (well, and that ReplayGain doesn't work for .wma), I've
had no trouble with .wma files.  (But I'm still switching over to .flac,
having got fed up with lossy transcoding issues.) I've not tried ripping
with Windows Media Player.

-- Brian

Brian Ritchie
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