Hello all.
Since installing 6.3.* I have spent quite a bit of time trying to get
my system stable again. I thought I'd got it sussed and then, for no
apparent reason I started to suffer from drop outs, something I'd not
experienced for a long time.

I'm running XP Home on a 500mhz PII Dell Latitude laptop with 192m RAM.
Before anyone says... well that obviously won't work.. I have to point
out that it has worked pretty flawlessly for the last year. I've only
experienced problems recently, and they started some time after
installing 6.3.1, i.e. 6.3.1 worked fine for a while. The laptop is
running a very "slim" version of Windows. The only other thing it runs
is SlimServer.
I get signal strength of over 90% on my Squeezebox 2. The Squeezebox is
wireless, all other stuff is wired.

I'm not too sure how to go about working out what the problem is.
I've started "Server and Network Health" and it does indicate a
problem, but I'm just not sure what to do next. I'd appreciate it if
someone could point me in a sensible direction.
I would run the debug stuff, but I am not sure which options to use.
Any help appreciated.

My "Server and Network Help" output is below. I have been pinging the
machine hosting SlimServer from my main machine whilst drop outs have
been occuring and all seems fine (i.e. all pings less than 1ms and no
lost packets), so the machine is not dropping off the network. The
event viewer shows nothing.



Please queue up several tracks to play on this player and start them
playing. Then press the Reset Counters link above to clear the
statistics and update this display.

Control Connection     : OK
Streaming Connection   : OK
Player Signal Strength : OK
Buffer Fullness        : OK
Server Response Time   : Occasional Poor Response


Your server response time is occasionally longer than desired. This may
cause audio dropouts, especially on Slimp3 and Squeezebox1 players. It
may be due to background load on your server or a slimserver task
taking longer than normal.
Player Performance : Squeezebox2

The graphs shown here record the long term trend for each of the player
performance measurements below. They display the number and percentage
of measurements which fall within each measurement band.

It is imporant to leave the player playing for a while and then assess
the graphs.

Player Signal Strength
This graph shows the strength of the wireless signal received by your
player. Higher signal strength is better. The player reports signal
strength while it is playing.

< 10 :        0 :  0% 
< 20 :        0 :  0% 
< 30 :        0 :  0% 
< 40 :        0 :  0% 
< 50 :        0 :  0% 
< 60 :        0 :  0% 
< 70 :        0 :  0% 
< 80 :        3 :  0% 
< 90 :     3669 : 58% ############################
< 100 :     2708 : 42% #####################
>=100 :        0 :  0% 
max  : 97.000000
min  : 78.000000
avg  : 88.246238

Buffer Fullness
This graph shows the fill of the player's buffer. Higher buffer
fullness is better. Note the buffer is only filled while the player is
playing tracks.

Squeezebox1 uses a small buffer and it is expected to stay full while
playing. If this value drops to 0 it will result in audio dropouts.
This is likely to be due to network problems.

Squeezebox2 uses a large buffer. This drains to 0 at the end of each
track and then refills for the next track. You should only be concerned
if the buffer fill is not high for the majority of the time a track is

Playing remote streams can lead to low buffer fill as the player needs
to wait for data from the remote server. This is not a cause for

< 10 :      579 : 11% #####
< 20 :       30 :  1% 
< 30 :       37 :  1% 
< 40 :       45 :  1% 
< 50 :       45 :  1% 
< 60 :       56 :  1% 
< 70 :       50 :  1% 
< 80 :       69 :  1% 
< 90 :      100 :  2% 
< 100 :     4285 : 81% ########################################
>=100 :        0 :  0% 
max  : 99.999936
min  : 0.000000
avg  : 85.509031

Control Connection
This graph shows the number of messages queued up to send to the player
over the control connection. A measurement is taken every time a new
message is sent to the player. Values above 1-2 indicate potential
network congestion or that the player has become disconnected.

< 1 :      121 :100%
< 2 :        0 :  0% 
< 5 :        0 :  0% 
< 10 :        0 :  0% 
< 20 :        0 :  0% 
>=20 :        0 :  0% 
max  : 0.000000
min  : -1.000000
avg  : -0.016529

Server Performance
The graphs shown here record the long term trend for each of the server
performance measurements below. They display the number and percentage
of measurements which fall within each measurement band.
Server Response Time
This graph shows the length of time between slimserver responding to
requests from any player. It is measured in seconds. Lower numbers are
better. If you notice response times of over 1 second this could lead
to problems with audio performance.

The cause of long response times could be either other programs running
on the server or slimserver processing a complex task.

< 0.002 :   138036 : 81% ########################################
< 0.005 :    18602 : 11% #####
< 0.01 :     4165 :  2% #
< 0.015 :     1120 :  1% 
< 0.025 :     7248 :  4% ##
< 0.05 :      688 :  0% 
< 0.1 :      364 :  0% 
< 0.5 :      385 :  0% 
< 1 :       36 :  0% 
< 5 :       38 :  0% 
>=5 :       45 :  0% 
max  : 56.367177
min  : -0.008761
avg  : 0.007770

Timer Accuracy
Slimserver uses a timer mechanism to trigger events such as updating
the user interface. This graph shows how accurately each timer task is
run relative to the time it was intended to be run. It is measured in

Timer tasks are scheduled by the server to run at some point in the
future. As only one timer task can run at once and the server may also
be performing other activity, timer tasks always run slightly after the
time they are scheduled for. However if timer tasks run significantly
after they are scheduled this can become noticable through delay in the
user interface.

< 0.002 :     6139 : 47% #######################
< 0.005 :     2873 : 22% ###########
< 0.01 :     3224 : 25% ############
< 0.015 :      168 :  1% 
< 0.025 :       67 :  1% 
< 0.05 :       58 :  0% 
< 0.1 :       81 :  1% 
< 0.5 :      121 :  1% 
< 1 :       37 :  0% 
< 5 :       90 :  1% 
>=5 :      145 :  1% 
max  : 55.997836
min  : 0.000000
avg  : 0.210063

Timer Task Duration
This graph shows how long each timer task runs for. It is measured in
seconds. If any timer task takes more than 0.5 seconds this is likely
to impact the user interface.

< 0.002 :     6964 : 54% ##########################
< 0.005 :       42 :  0% 
< 0.01 :      569 :  4% ##
< 0.015 :     1217 :  9% ####
< 0.025 :     4113 : 32% ###############
< 0.05 :       53 :  0% 
< 0.1 :       20 :  0% 
< 0.5 :       24 :  0% 
< 1 :        0 :  0% 
< 5 :        1 :  0% 
>=5 :        0 :  0% 
max  : 1.012572
min  : 0.000203
avg  : 0.007812


Squeezebox2 > Benchmark Dac1 > Naim NAC 82 > Naim NAP 250 > Shahinian
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt
ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26544

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