I tried to get my Squeezebox to connect to my alternative 6.5 version
of SlimServer and the box froze at "Press Right now to use SlimServer".
I've had to power off to recover.

I am now trying to balance out the time I take to put CDs in the CDX
(and lack of playlists, internet radio etc) against all the time (over
two or three years) I have spent trying to get the SlimServer software
working properly. It's not looking good for SlimServer. However
AlienBBC (and other convenient stuff) is so huge in my life that I have
no choice but to continue.

But I am really pissed (and not American). I just want some stable
software that I do not have to spend hours getting to work correctly
(I'd rather be fishing.. screwing about with computers became tedious a
long, long time ago).

I recently asked on this forum about the percentage of
Mac/Windows/Linux downloads for Slimserver. SlimDevices chose not to
publish the figures (or didn't see the post, but I think that's
But, if my hunch is correct and the vast majority of downloads are
Windows I think SlimDevices ought to consider making a cut down Windows
only version of the software that just works (and takes advanyage of
Windows features/bugs like being able to add multiple directories for
your Music Directory, scanning progress bars, the thing that makes
indexing files so much faster... this one is really important... so I
(and I'm hoping I am right to assume) many others can just listen to
music and not have to keep f***** around with the software and
configuration to get the damn thing to work.

I'm hoping that the Transporter might well make this a necesssity
anyway (I often wonder if Sean is stuck between a rock and a hard
place). I imagine most of the people who'll pay $2k for a SB3 plus are
older and most likely Windows based. If you pay $2k for a box you are
not going to put up with flaky software. 

Sorry for the whine. It's saturday night, I'm stuck inside baby sitting
my kid.. and I can't even listen to music the way I want to!


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