Michaelwagner Wrote: 
> I thought the first post *was* offensive.

Mike, i respect your posts and opinion, but seriously, you're offended
by what he said in the first post?

if this:

Inv Wrote: 
> I suggest that the Slimserver dev team give this job to someone other
> than the summer intern.

offends your sensibilities, then i think its fair to say they are
delicate indeed.  i wonder how you can channel surf or get thru a day
at the office, when such meaningless nothings set off your tripwire. 
and i see its not just you, there are a lot of people here, who take
such light remarks as blasphemy, and yell sacriledge and do all they
can to cast out the heretics, whose only crime, that i can see, is
offending the delicate sensibilities of the group.

again, i have no beef with you, but just as you have your opinion of
it, thats mine.

geoffb Wrote: 
> On 8/16/06, MrSinatra wrote:
> >
> > Michaelwagner Wrote:
> > > That's factually incorrect. He wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > after saying that the quality of the code was such that it had to
> have
> > > been written by an intern. I think the implication is clear.
> >
> > no, its not "factually" incorrect.  his first post starting the
> thread
> > was the one he got jumped on for.  you are refering to a later post
> *
> > after * he was attacked.
> Read it again, sam.  The original post said:
> >I suggest that the Slimserver dev team give this job to
> >someone other than the summer intern.
> Whether this kind of statement is appropriate is irrelevant.

apparently its not irrelevant since this guy is getting lynched.

and yeah, the ORIGINAL POST says that...  thats what i was saying, he
got attacked after his first post, not for the line mike wagner was

but anyway, go on...

geoffb Wrote: 
> If you own a car, and you have problems with it, you either ask, or
> rant at, the manufacturer - and they fix it either way.
> If you instead show up at an enthusiast meeting,

this is a message board run by the COMPANY, not by enthusiasts.  the
employees do actually post, and want feedback.  there is no problem
with him directing his comments here.

geoffb Wrote: 
> complain loudly about
> how bad the car is, how shoddily it's made, oh, and by the way, I have
> a problem with my carb, could someone help me? - don't be surprised if
> you not only don't get any help, but get criticised for your
> behaviour.

so you're comparing his original post which is LEGITIMATE in what it is
complaining about btw, to taking over a public meeting, being loud,
having an issue that might be your own making, etc...  they are in no
way similar!  if you don't like the post, don't respond!  whats so hard
about that?

i really just can't believe what he said would upset ANYONE this much. 
i eman, i reread it looking for the part that got everyone so upset, and
it just isn't there.  its not even directed at anyone but the people who
developed the product that is NOT always working properly.

geoffb Wrote: 
> If you want to rant, do it at your spouse or significant other.
> If you want to get help, ask here, and be prepared to dig a bit.
> If you want to rant AND get help, do it at the paid support people
> (but please, spare them the rant if you can - they're human too).
> This is an *enthusiast* group.  Help is given in the spirit that it's
> asked for.

thats your opinion, one i don't share.  i think its wrong of you guys
to act like this...  its a lynching.

kdf Wrote: 
> if you need more detail, myself and others have posted this kind of 
> stuff a dozen times, and it's in manuals, the wiki and the faq.
> -kdf

thats right on, and what i figured, which is why i said "dumb
questions."  i just figured since you teased it, might as well address
it.  thx btw.

chiphart Wrote: 
> MrSinatra wrote:
> > well, he directed his "insult" at the slim server dev team, not
> people
> > here, and it wasn't an insult, it was a complaint, lets not be so
> thin
> > skinned.
>       Actually, a fair number of the folks who post here *are*
>       responsible for the code in one small place or another.  Some
>       (kdf) are responsible for large parts.

two points:

1. what he said was not insulting, offensive, or a big deal.  it just
wasn't.  seriously chip, do you feel he drew blood?  do you feel
personally attacked?  have you been harmed?

2. to then redefine the "dev team" as anyone who ever said anything to
slim, would make the dev team huge, and even include me!  sure, i've
given some slight feedback, but i'm not part of the dev team.  but even
if i go along with your definition, CLEARLY that was not the definition
INTENDED by the OP.  he was aiming it right at the SD company, so lets
not know redefine his intent, just so we can justify our outrage, ok?

chiphart Wrote: 
>       Even people like myself, who haven't donated an ounce of code
>       but are inclined to help those in need, feel as though they are
>       part of the team.
> > he was attacked, not the other way around.
>       The first insult was thrown by him by any reasonable definition.

if you guys REALLY truly believe that was an insult meant to besmirch
the character of people, rather than just a complaint directed at a
company during legitimate frustration, one which i might add again IS
LEGITIMATE regarding its topic of deficiency, then i am perplexed and
amazed and stupified.

must all criticsm be sterile and neutered?  do we take even the
slightest of slights as unacceptable rallying cries to flame war?

COME ON, get a thicker skin!  imo, it is unreasonable to react this

chiphart Wrote: 
>       Go back to your original response to this thread.  You said that
>       folks were too hard on newbies.  They, I, we are not.  You can
>       see a dozen helpful efforts a day.
>       RUDE newbies are a different matter.

allow me to clarify:  too hard on newbies who offend the delicate
sensibilities around here.  too hard on newbies who dare to complain in
a way the high priests find unacceptable.

the height of over-reaction is best illustrated here:

tommypeters Wrote: 
> ...or go to a shrink.

so, the OP is so egregious is he, that it should be suggested either
seriously, or jokingly but with a hint of seriousness, (as the intent
is not clear), that he should see a shrink?

is this lost on everyone?  am i reaching anyone?

i'm sure some of you are wondering why i'd bother to post such a long
message and rehash all this...

well, i'm frankly tired of seeing it happen.  if the elders want
respect, they have to give it as well.  i for one will not genuflect if
i have a problem, and likewise, i'll try to keep the hysterics on my
part down.

i just wish those with delicate sensibilities would have more
reasonable expectations of others, especially newbies, who aren't going
to realize immediately what your expectations are.  if all were just a
tad more restrained, perhaps we could grow this little gathering place,
and not scare off guys like Inv, who might post his logs, if he were
encouraged instead of brow beaten.

and for the record, i have had similar issues that are not the fault of
my hardware, or playlists, as i have none.  just well made EAC mp3s.  SS
DOES act poorly on occassion, and to say so, and make a jab about did an
intern write the code for which i have a problem, is NOT a capital


Squeezebox2 w/SS 6.3.1 - Win XP Pro SP2 - 3.2ghz / 2gig ram
MrSinatra's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2336
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