Nostromo;138512 Wrote: 
> :lol:
> ALAC supports gapless playback? Are you sure? EDIT: I quickly checked,
> and it does seem to support gapless playback. But I don't think that
> plain vanilla AAC supports gapless. And neither AAC or ALAC support FWD
> and REV. 
> As for AIFF, I really don't see the point in using it. If its anything
> like WAV, there's no difference, soundwise, with ALAC or FLAC, AIFF
> tracks take a lot more of space and its a poor choice for tagging
> purposes.
> On ReplayGain
> But its not recommended for music with high dynamic range, like
> classical.

No, I checked, too, and you're quite right, and I was quite wrong,
about AAC and ALAC.  Sorry! (That shows how much I use them!) I
disagree about AIFF, though. In fact, I'd put it the other way round. I
don't see the point in NOT using aiff (or .wav). They are, unarguably,
the gold standard sonically, which one cannot say of any of the
compressed formats, about the relative merits of which or differences
between which there always seems to be some sort of barney going on
somewhere. There's lots else in favour of not using compression -
flexibility, rapidity of ripping, ability to upsample/edit digitised
vinyl, simplicity of processing, not to mention all the things you can
do with them on Squeezebox - that make make ripping to anything else
seem to me like spoiling the ship for a ha'p'eth of tar. The only
argument I can see in its favour is disc space, but this is now so
incredibly cheap that it seems to me like false economy to stint on it
and risk (perhaps) compromising the output of, for instance, a five
figure (or more) audio setup.

Concerning tagging - now, you definitely lose me. I've never myself
found any shortcomings in or limitations to the labelling that I need
of Aiff files. This may well be because - being a benighted iTunes
user! - I don't know anything at all about it, and don't really know
what is possible. That wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. Lead me,
therefore, to tagging Nirvana, O Nostromo, for I comprehend it not.

geraint smith
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