geraint smith;138665 Wrote: 
> ..
> I disagree about AIFF, though. In fact, I'd put it the other way round.
> I don't see the point in NOT using aiff (or .wav). They are, unarguably,
> the gold standard sonically, which one cannot say of any of the
> compressed formats, 
> ..

Sorry, but that is just plain wrong. You are clearly ignorant of the
difference lossy and lossless compressed formats. With lossless
formats, such as FLAC, all information is retained, and when
uncompressed, an exact duplicate of the original bytestream is
achieved. Thus, there is no sonic difference between a .wav and a .flac
of the same song. They are both "the gold standard".

And, as Nostromo correctly ponted out, .aiff and .wav have inferior or
nonexistent tagging capabilities, unlike FLAC and many others. Perhaps
iTunes hides that from you (I wouldn't know as I don't use iTunes)

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