Ben Sandee;139348 Wrote: 
> Maybe check to see if you have APE tags in there, I believe they may
> take
> precedence of ID3v2. [...] I'm sure there's a tag in there and it's
> just a
> matter of figuring out where it is.

... and how to nuke the bastard!

dBPowerAMP does indeed report quite differently: under ID Tag it says
"APEv2 & IDE3v1 & IDE3v2.3" (I have no idea what this means: does the
file have three different sets of tags? If so, which set is it showing
me? Why does MediaMonkey *not* show the APE tag (values)?) Against both
Artist and BAND it lists "Anouar Brahem"; only against
Band/Orchestra/accompaniment does it have "Brahem, Anouar".

I've no idea which tool(s) introduced this folly; I can't remember how
I ripped the CD originally, and heavens knows how many times I've
fiddled with the tags since.  Nor do I know (nor really care to know)
why SlimServer has decided to show this up *now*. I wonder if something
like mp3tag can be used to rationalise this sort of mayhem in batch
(i.e. without track-by-track mollycoddling)?

To cap it all, I'm also spotting a few cases where one album (by one
artist) have been split into two separate albums, which as far as I can
see (in SS) have identical artists and titles. I'm guessing that I
changed some other property of some tracks, using a tool that then
screwed up the artist/album tags somehow, but left other tracks

This is *so* frustrating. Just when I thought I'd got it all sussed,
and had my collection tagged the way I wanted, it turns out that I

Please note: my gripe is not with SlimServer, but with tagging tools
that don't tell the whole truth. But no doubt it'll turn out to be some
configuration option ("secretly write crap tags that override user's
choices [default: on]") that I've not spotted.

-- Brian

Brian Ritchie
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