shabbs;145918 Wrote: 
> I've been trying to isolate what's up with the Artist count in SS and
> where it pulls the data for it from. Part of that search has led me to
> this "Album Artist" tag (or "TPE2" or "Band" depending on the file
> format). Some new apps (WMP11b and iTunes7) seem to be populating it
> now. There seems to be a large difference of opinion on how this tag
> should be used wrt to VA. I don't want to code my tags "just for SS",
> I'd rather code them using the proper standard. The Foobar WIKI at HA I
> linked is just one example of a group trying to suggest a standard.
> I'm just trying to sort though all the confusion. ;)
I don't think the issues are necessarily with the SlimServer's 
mistreatment of how the tags are to be used, or the way SlimServer
recognizes compilations, or even who those albums or tracks are
attributed to.

What's wrong is that the queries being used to list the library are
badly broken.  That's why the counts are off.  That's why artists are
missing, and why compilations often aren't displayed in their proper
place.  I also think there's a lot of confusion about how the
compilation options should affect the listing of albums and artists.


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