Eric Seaberg;166797 Wrote: 
> Keith, there shouldn't be a setting in iTunes to change the ripping
> sample rate!  ALL audio CDs are 44.1kHz!!!  Only video (DVD, etc) are
> 48kHz... that's the 'standard'. 
> DO NOT confuse BITRATE with SAMPLE RATE!!  The settings for AIF
> encoding should be set to AUTOMATIC.  Let it do what it THINKS it
> should do.  DO NOT CUSTOMIZE to a higher sample rate as it will totally
> screw up your chances to re-burn to an Audio CD, if you ever want to do
> that.
> Otherwise, go to APPLE LOSSLESS as it will retain the quality while
> saving some HD space.  Make SURE you've got "USE ERROR CORRECTION WHEN
> READING AUDIO CDs" checked in ALL instances of ripping, as this will
> make sure you're grabbing all of the data where
> scratches/fingerprints/mustard have been smeared on the CD surface.  It
> may take a little longer, but you're chances of a good rip are improved
> considerably.

er....I hate to contradict Eric, but there is in fact an option in
iTunes to sample at either 48kHz or 44.1kHz (in the "Preferences -
importing - custom" menu).

I leave it at 44.1kHz, myself. There's some debate about whether
sampling at the higher rate will do anything for ripping CDs of which,
as Eric says, the standard rate is 44.1. In any case, it used to be
true (pre-Transporter) that no Slim Device could handle this, I think,
but I believe that that has now changed. Really, it is a matter of
preference - as Ross said to you right at the start, suck it and see. I
can myself hear no advantage in oversampling to 48kHz when ripping CDs.
However, when transfering from vinyl, it sounds better to me if I use
the higher sample rate throughout the chain of capture/digitisation
(although I may be imagining this. I've not double blind tested it),
and the higher the rate, the better I think it sounds all the way up to
192kHz - better than CD, in fact.  In any case, it is easy to convert
back down to 44.1kHz if you do want to burn a CD. Bitrate is indeed
automatic, and will be 1411kbps at 44.1kHz sample rate. (It's higher if
you do choose 48kHz).

Incidentally, iTunes will perfectly happily handle and play files with
sample rates up to at least 96kHz (I pick that one because I've just
found one at that rate in my library) if you can get another programme
to sample at that rate. It just won't rip at anything above 48kHz
itself - probably just as well, because if you think 44.1kHz/1411kbps
eats disc space, you should see the size of a file at 96kHz sample rate
and the accompanying bit rate of 3072kbps!

geraint smith
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