EnochLight;169981 Wrote: 
> Wow - do you really think so?  I mean, I respect your experience here
> and abroad but I wonder if AppleTV and the Squeezebox even compete for
> the same customers?
> To me, AppleTV is just Apple's version of, say, a Media Extender box
> for Windows MCE.  If I need to have a screen hooked up to it just to
> access my music library...  nah - I personally think that AppleTV will
> compete for space inside of people's TV-rooms and  entertainment
> centers, not their stereos...
> I dunno, AppleTV may take *some* customers, but wipe out a chunk of
> their sales?

If I take a look at the "photo of your set-up thread" in the
audiophiles forum, I see a lot of TVs in the systems, so I think many
of us are potential Apple customers. 

I think the way to consider this is rather than "I need to get a TV to
play my music - bummer" and instead "I can use my TV to play my music -
cool". How many people out there fall into which camp?

I was dead set against a TV in my music room. Guess what, I have a TV
tuner for a laptop now and watch DVDs all the time using my music
system - and I still play music. The usuability shortcomings of the
Slim software and the small screen of the SB make it my domain only, my
family won't use it. That's nice in some ways, but wrong in others. 

The problem as I see it is that we all (me included) get very
definesive about our choices. I defend the SB when my family say it's
clunky, rather than admit the truth. It is clunky compared to where the
market has gone. Sure it sounds that much better than other systems and
the latest iTunes just won't run that well on wireless networks, but if
my SB had the same kind of usability as iTunes, I'd be sold forever.
Right now, my finger is hovering over the buy button for the AppleTV,
which is a shame because I invested a lot of time in my SB (it's modded
with new PSU and case). 

I think we all got complacent about the SB because it sounded so good
and perhaps dismissed the other market issues too quickly. It now has a
competitor that costs the same for more features and components and is a
whole lot slicker. If the AppleTV sounds as good as the SB through my
DAC, it's game over for me.

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