I think we are all missing something that the OP stated in one of his
posts a short time ago.

He indicated that he has a PC in his bedroom near the squeezebox but
that he has it hibernate at night.

I'm guessing that this same PC is the device that runs slimserver.

You've programmed your Squeezebox to connect to both your PC and to the
Squeeze network and then at night you hibernate your PC shutting down
the connection between the Squeezebox and the Slimserver software that
runs on your PC.

So then the Squeezebox is connected to Squeezenetwork and if that
connection is lost then it will report to you that it lost the

Solutions?  Take your PC out of hibernate mode so that your Squeezebox
can stay connected to it.

Don't like that?  Then as someone else indicated, either set the
brightness to off when the box is "off" or put it on an electrical
timer so that it's completely powered down during your normal sleepy

I hardly think slinging insults, throwing tantrums and threatening
lawsuits is the best way to remedy situations like this.  Your single
paragraph rant was pretty funny though, in a "this guy should be in a
straight jacket" kind of way.

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