
I got mine from CompUSA.  Although their website doesn't show any, I
called them and they said they that had 4 in stock at my local retail
store (Dearborn/Detroit, MI).  

I like the technology, and I've been playing with it since last night. 
It's pretty cool as a Squeezebox remote using Ben's 770 skin, but the
amazement for me isn't as much since I've used my PSP in a similar
fashion (minus the touch screen) for quite some time now.

I'm on the fence whether or not I will keep this.  CompUSA claims a
21-day return policy with no restocking fee, so I'll give it another
week or two before I decide.  Here's the two main reasons:

1.  It's pretty nifty and all, but web browsing isn't quite as
convenient as I thought it would be.  It works a ton better than my PSP
ever did in WiFi hotspots, but it's still a little awkward.  You
absolutely have to use the stylus to do any amount of accurate touch
navigation - unless you have twig-fingers.  ;-P  Also, although it
supports Flash and has Opera, sites like Youtube are absolutely useless
on the N800.  Video playback is choppy and unwatchable, and this over a
802.11G wireless network!

2.  The deal-breaker for me is that I cannot get it to work with my
T-Mobile Dash as a Bluetooth modem.  I was hoping it would have
expanded my Internet surfing by this method, as my Dash - although an
awesome smartphone - is still limited buy its screen size when surfing
the web.  I can get both devices to see eachother, and supposedly sync
- but whenever I try to get my N800 to execute the phone as a modem, it
fails.  Of course, T-Mobile tech support is about as helpful as a canker
sore, and I've not had much luck getting a hold of Nokia for advice. 
Anyone else try pairing a T-Mobile Dash + N800 for a Bluetooth modem? 

On another note, I was able to get it to recognize my PC as a media
server via Windows Media Player 11's Media Connect.  Streamed mp3's
without issue.  Kinda cool.  Video streaming wasn't as successful, and
caused the N800 to lock-up forcing me to shut it down.  I'm not sure if
this was the files that it was attempting to play or what.. *shrugs*

I should also point out that the demo video file that came with it, a
Nokia camcorder commercial with Gary Oldman, had slight choppy
playback.  I don't remember the Iceage demo video on the 770 having
this problem.  You can see how it *should* look at the Youtube link
below.  My N800 doesn't playback quite as smooth (I'm talking
frame-rate here; image quality is superb).  Any other N800 owners out
there notice this?


Nokia N800 video demo:

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