And contrary to what some have argued, this is not a good design

I hope you didn't misunderstand my explanation as defence for the design. I tried to explain what happened, so you can understand the situation and fix it whatever way there is.

Mherger, you state: I've learned to sleep in trains, buses, at home, in
the field, hanging from some bolt in a vertical wall.  Do you really
think that’s a reasonable comparison?

No, not at all. But you asked, why nobody complaint about that behaviour before. I explained the reason for _me_ might be that I easily sleep in difficult situations. As obviously does my GF as well.

Are you suggesting I shouldn’t unplug it every night?

No, you should. I fear you didn't read beyond that two lines about my sleeping anywhere. There were 25 other lines which stated eg. "Get a timed power switch" as well as "Don't use these robots" (as you called them) if you fear them.

I'm out.



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