meltsheep wrote:
Peter;172220 Wrote:
That would be a nice option on the side, but I can live without it.

Why don't you just buy an Airport Express in the mean time?

Because it is sonically inferior to Squeezebox to the point where its
painful to listen to . There's a technical explanation somewhere on the
Stereophile website as to why SB is so much better.

I see. Well, as you see, it's not just sonically different, it's a totally different way of looking at music and networks that offers a whole new world of possibilities. You should stop trying to use the SB as a better sounding AE and try to see the other advantages. Perhaps one of those NAS things that run slimserver would be a nice start. Or an old PC as a Linux file & music server.

I'd like the PC sound driver that taps into the SB idea, but I wouldn't want it to replace the current architecture. It's just too limiting.


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