seanadams;172362 Wrote: 
> That is not what should happen at all. When the SB3 is operating in
> bridging mode, it keeps track of who is on the ethernet side and who is
> on the wireless side - it knows where to send a packet. 


If I may say as a guy who does IP networking for a living, building a
bridge into the SB3 & Tp was a stroke of simple genius and a major
differentiator in the product. 

It really shows a seperation of the "audio" crowd from the audio as a
network application thought process. 

In one shot, I now have wired connectivity all over my house. No
additional .11g antennae, or anything. 

I think the bridge function is tremendously underestimated in the

My only complaint: I wanted an integrated multiport switch! No pleasing
some people... :-) Consider it as a possible different offering just
like Linksys does (one port device, multiport integrated switch etc

Good job and thanks.

Eric Carroll
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