MrSinatra;174242 Wrote: 
> what do you mean?  you don't understand the difference?  the difference
> is i would not need the cable.  the difference is i could use any
> software, not just SS.
> how do you not understand that?

You do know that there are long-ass-virtual-cable products like the
Airport Express or others from DLink and ... Logitech?

If that is what you want, you can get one of those much cheaper than an
> SD FORCES US to use SS to power their hardware.  thats what i mean.


No one forced you to buy a Squeezebox.

You can use whatever software you want.  That it doesn't work is the
problem of the software.  "OMG, I cant use WORD to play music!"

Hint: you -can- use Winamp to play music.

Most people, though, bought a squeezebox so that they could control it
remotely and not sit at a computer.  That remote control is what
seperates the Squeezebox from something like Airport Express or the
Dlink and Logitech products.
> often, on these forums, when someone criicizes SD/SS, much is made of
> how the software is FREE, and all we paid for is the hardware, with lil
> thought given to the fact that this is the only software that powers the
> hardware.

No, what people are saying is that the software is Free, as in Libris,
as in Liberty, not as in Free Beer: if you don't like the way the
software works, then you can change it!  Don't like the way J. River
works?  Tough.  Don't like the way Itunes works?  Tough.

If you don't like the way Slimserver works: go download the code and
change it.

> my point is, in the SD business model, WHY would they tie their
> hardware, (which is not free) to "free" software?
> do you not see the financial insanity of that?

No, I see that you have difficulties with words having more than one

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