MrSinatra;174311 Wrote: 
> ridiculous.  this ignores the whole point i made that SD only charges
> you for the hardware, NOT the software.

And Apple only charges you for an iPod but not for iTunes.  So what?

The license to Slimserver is GPL.  It is also Gratis.  If Slim Devices
charged you $200 for it, would that make you think it is better?  Or
would you only feel better if they didn't let you have source code?

Which version of "free" are you so pissed off about:

1) Free as in Liberty
2) Free as in Gratis

You are upset that the software is "free".. so which is it?  How will
charging for software or hiding the source code make things better? 
Personally, I would rather have software that costs less and gives me
freedom... I don't know why you would object to either.... but

> their hardware should work with different kinds of software, not only a
> free, costly [to them], buggy product [ss] many people don't like.  it
> doesn't benefit them in hardware sales, (ie. their revenue stream) to
> be so restricted.

And iPods should work with different kinds of software, not only a
free, costly [to them], buggy product many people don't like.   it
doesn't benefit them in hardware sales...


Do you see the illogic here yet?

It is not the job of Apple, Slimdevices, Microsoft or anyone else to
make their hardware work with the software of other companies....  If
you want to use J.River to control a squeezebox: TALK TO J.River.   If
you want to use iTunes, talk to apple.  Slim does not have the code to
those products and can't change them.

You, on the other hand, have the code to Slimserver: if you don't like
it, change it.  

> the problem is i can use winamp if i don't like itunes (which btw is
> true).  i DON'T have that option here, as long as i want to continue
> using the fine SB hardware.

You do, actually.  Hint: Shoutcast plugin for Winamp.  This makes
Winamp play nice and talk to other hardware.  Again, last I checked,
the fine folks at AOL do not give out source code to Winamp...  Why
don't you ask them for source code?

> not a realistic reaction for a successful business model.

I am sure Steve Jobs will be glad to hear that he should charge for
software since expensive software is somehow better than gratis
software, and that the iPod will never sell because it won't play nice
with other people.....

Again: it is technically possible to make a virtual audio device on
Windows serve out an HTTP stream, which is all that it would take to
make the SB very annoying with mail beeps and bloops and all the other
"system sounds" windows loves so much...

At least with XP.

With Vista?  If Microsoft is keeping their word to content providers --
no, you will not be able to interecept the output of iTunes or WMP or
anything else that plays DRM'd files.... doing so would be violating
the DMCA.

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