i've been having this problem with apple lossless and aac files and  am
very keen to try and get on top of the problem.  i'm using the latest
6.5.2 server build for windows, am streaming apple lossless as wav
using alac and aac as wav using mov123.

i have one particular song i'm using as a test case - it's ideal for
the purpose as it ends very suddenly, and my suspicion is that the
cutoffs are possibly only a second or less in length, so wouldn't be
noticed on a lot of tracks.  the same track ripped to apple lossless or
aac will miss the final chord or so on playback, but when ripped to mp3
will play in its entirety.  suspecting the transcoding process i output
the whole file to wav using alac at a command prompt - this produced the
complete file with end intact, which would seem to exonerate the
transcoding process of any blame.

can anyone suggest any of the debug options which might be of use in
diagnosing this problem?   can the log file record whether slimserver
actually played a track right through to its end?

one further interesting point is that applying the 'Play only selected
song' server setting seemed to have the effect of allowing the sample
track to play through to the end some 2 times out of the 3 i tested it
with that setting on.  to my mind this suggests that there might be
something buggy about the way in which slimserver handles transitions
between tracks when those tracks are aac or apple lossless files - can
anyone with more technical knowledge than me  offer an opinion as to
whether this sounds likely as an explanation of the problem?

any input very gratefully received!

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