bpa;183528 Wrote: 
> Maybe I'm a bit thick tonight but can you confirm that aside from not
> leaking handles, on your system you see NO change in behaviour of
> SlimTray between my version and the official version.

well, the thing is i can't say for certain.  i was playing around with
the services and options and so on haphazardly...  i'd hate to give you
bad info.

what i am sure of, is how [your] ST acts now given the environment i
described above.

i really can't say if that all was also true or pertaining to the old

i still have a copy of the old ST, would you like me to try it?

and if so, besides the IE window, what do you want me to look for?

i would prefer to leave the slimrelated services set to manual, unless
you specify different.

bpa;183528 Wrote: 
> With regard to mysqld - by design in SS6.5.1 in Windows mySQLD is not
> shut down - it possible that decision was made because you can't tell
> if MySQLD it belongs to slimserver or not.  In SS7.0 there is now code
> to shut mysqld down in response to a bug report. It's possible Dan was
> mixed up about which version was being discussed Unix or Windows  6.5.x
> or 7.0 behaviour.
> The comment in the file MySQLHelp.pm in SS 6.5.1  
> > 
  >   > 
  > =head2 stopServer()
  > Bring down our private copy of MySQL server.
  > This is a no-op if you are using a pre-configured copy of MySQL.
  > Or are running MySQL as a Windows service.
  > =cut
> > 


so basically in 7.0 ur saying SS will know, or be configurable, to have
mysql shutdown with a manual shutdown of slim.exe?

if so, it might not be worth your trouble to 'fix' ST for 6.5.x, or
maybe it would be easiest to just have 'shutdown mysqld' as an option
separate from shutting down SS.

let me know what, if anything, u'd like me to do.  -mdw


Squeezebox2 w/SS 6.5.2 (beta!?) - Win XP Pro SP2 - 3.2ghz / 2gig ram
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