shermoid wrote:
> well, while i appreciate what you're saying, any company that's
> destined to stay in business will do exactly that - they will work on
> legacy products if a customer demands it.  how do i know?  i'm a
> software engineer.  i have re-worked decades old code upon demand,
> because that's what the early adopters of new technology expect.  
> doing so keeps the customer, keeps the customer happy, and encourgaes
> the customer to sing your praises to others.

You're not the only professional software engineer here. I take it that
all of your experience in the enterprise arena, where individual
customers pay upwards of 6 figures for their licenses, and may not
upgrade their mission-critical systems to the latest and greatest for
years after it's released? Your broad statements simply do not apply to
the consumer software space, much less to open source.

- Marc

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