Marc Sherman;201109 Wrote: 
> You're not the only professional software engineer here. I take it that
> all of your experience in the enterprise arena, where individual
> customers pay upwards of 6 figures for their licenses, and may not
> upgrade their mission-critical systems to the latest and greatest for
> years after it's released? Your broad statements simply do not apply
> to
> the consumer software space, much less to open source.
> - Marc

hey marc,

i don't mean to impune anyone's abilities.  i'm certain many folks here
are techo-geeks in one way or another, or we wouldn't have undertaken
these types of projects in the first place.

my point is that a good company is responsive to customers' needs,
whether they are large needs or small needs.  if a customer requests
something from a vendor, or has been given bad advise by a vendor, the
best vendors will help the customer out, re-work old hardware or old
software, and keep the customer happy.  you do not need a million
dollar licensing arrangement to do good business.

if i had access to slimdevices' code, i'd fix the problem in my old
6.2.1 version myself!  but, i do not have such access, and must ask
slimdevices to make the change for me.  i'm sure the actual problem (in
pseudocode) is to change a line that looks like this:

if ($tag == "ARTIST") then &process_tags();

to a line like this:

if ($tag == "ARTIST" || "GENRE") then &process_tags();

pretty much, that's all i need.  :-)



"you are only young once, but you can be immature forever"
"life is uncertain; eat dessert first" - anonymous

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