JSharp;237742 Wrote: 
> I really am curious where the tag information should be coming from. 
> Should it be on the CD from which I have copied the music and saved it
> as a wma file or in some other format?  Should it come from Gracenote
> when I query that database with the CD in the computer player for
> information about the CD?

There is no information on the CD other than the music itself.

A computer-based application always has to get data from somewhere
else, in this case Gracenote.

> If that doesn't happen, is the tag information supposed to come from a
> software program for cataloging the music files?

What ML2008 has done is it's added all that data to its database, but
it has not written any tags and will not until the software is updated
from what that forum post says.

> And I am still wondering why tag data is important to Slimserver.

That's how SlimServer and every other software player (Winamp, Windows
Media Player, foobar, iTunes) gets its Artist - Album - Track - Genre,
etc. info.  Without tags, SlimServer can try to guess these things
based on file and folder structure (artist/album/title.wma or
artist-album-title.wma) but if that file and folder structure isn't
there, SlimServer has no way to tell who the artist, album, title,
genre etc. is.  Nor will any other software player.

Incidentally SlimServer is fairly unique in that it can guess tags
based on file and folder structure, but if you don't even have that, it
can't tell the files apart.  You'd have "1 albums with 5267 songs by 1
artists" - the one album would be "No Album", the songs would be called
by their titles, and the artist would be "No Artist".  Not workable.

Mark Lanctot

'Sean Adams' Response-O-Matic checklist, patent pending!'
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