What is different about what a musician does that makes it worth more
money than what a 3rd grade teacher does?  Or a plumber?  Or what I

Musicians at at the mercy of supply and demand like any other
commodity.  For a few years record companies were able to control the
supply and the price/pay of popular artists went up.  Technology has
taken that control away and the price has fallen to nearly zero,
especially for popular artists, simply because they are popular and
their stuff is all over file sharing networks.  

On the other hand, unknown musicians can now sell some of their stuff
because they don't need a record company to distribute it, and their
relative obscurity makes obtaining their work via file sharing harder
to do.

So maybe the model now is for unknown artists to launch their careers
by selling some CDs and doing live performances, and when they become
popular, give away their music to promote concert ticket sales.  And
tee shirts.  And coffee mugs.  And ring tones.  And their acting
careers.  And their fashion businesses.


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