y360;253359 Wrote: 
> Except that software is exactly what you describe, and it does make
> money this way

The only reason that work's at all is because it is possible to apply
security measures to the media, and a lot of people are not
sufficiently knowledgeable or motivated to seek ways to circumvent it. 
It is generally not difficult to crack the security on most software
products- type "warez" into google to get some idea of the size of the
software cracking "hobby".  

M$ and Google have figured out that it's hard to make money selling
software, so they're working on web-based apps to replace the stuff you
buy at the store (or DL on filesharing sites).  They're making
everything into a "service" because it is still possible to keep it
secure -for now, anyway.

Finally, some software piracy is tolerated by the industry (in spite of
what the extortionists who run the BSA claim).  Witness AutoCAD, a
multithousand dollar CAD suite with minimal protection.  You can
download AutoCAD and keygens for it from hundreds of sites on the web,
or get it via bittorrent.  

They could make AutoCAD harder to crack, but why?  Everyone with a copy
of AutoCAD that someone is using on their home computer is another
AutoCAD expert in the making.  When it comes time to get CAD software
at work and the boss says "check 'em out and let me know which one we
should buy", the home user says- "Gee, I already know how to use

Are the BSA's numbers about the value of software pirated accurate? 
Maybe, if you figure that every copy made is a lost sale.  However,
when was the last time you or I or anyone else could afford a
multithousand dollar CAD package?  Is a cracked copy on your machine
really a "lost sale"?  Not bloody likely!


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