I think it comes down to something very simple - respecting the artist.
As someone who creates copyrighted works for a living (software in my
case, but it's the same as music, painting or literature - all of which
my family is involved with) I strongly believe that if someone creates
something of value to others they should have the right to be
compensated in any manner they choose for it's use/distribution. It is,
of course, up to the consumer whether they think it's worth whatever the
creator is asking for it. This isn't restricted to financial
compensation - the GPL for example requires only that certain
categories of people follow a set of guidelines to allow distribution.
That's fine - again - it's the creator's choice exactly how (or even
whether) they are compensated.

I may not like the RIAA's tactics but the artists signed the contract,
they chose to have the RIAA as their (indirect) agents, and they chose
to agree to whatever compensation scheme they have with their label. In
turn, I can choose whether to buy the CD or not. I do not believe it's a
legitimate option for me to say "I value this thing you made enough to
make a copy and enjoy it, but not enough to compensate you" and I also
don't think some rambling about how record labels screw the poor
artists is a valid excuse. If the contract was unfair, why did they
sign it? Either they were stupid (no sympathy I'm afraid) or they
agreed it was a good deal.

In any case, most of the music I buy these days is from indy labels -
who despite being just as heavily hit from filesharing as the majors
have also been the first to adopt drm-less downloads from sites like
beatport. They've been amazingly successful, and it bodes well for the
parts of the industry I actually care about.

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