SilverRS8;254930 Wrote: 
> Thx Phil for the update and good to hear everything works. Database
> Tracing can indeed have a high impact! Is the output also good? 
> I'm currently installing SC in a VM and if I like the current state I
> will move to SC also and then start making ACC compatible with SC.
> Frank

Frank - yes the output is excellent - many thanks for all of your hard
I've made a couple of tweaks...
1) For compilations - but not normal albums it's nice to have the
artist next to the track
2) for the durations, I've removed the leading zero which makes it
easier to read (for me anyway)

If Left(rs("duration"),2) = "00" Then
sDuration = Right(rs("duration"), 5)
sDuration = rs("duration")
End If
                If left(sDuration,1)="0" Then
                sDuration = Right(sDuration,4) 
                End If
If iType = 2 Then
                sTracklisting = sTracklisting & rs("tracknumber") & " - " &
rs("tracktitle") & " (" & sDuration & ")" &" - " & rs("artist")
sTracklisting = sTracklisting & rs("tracknumber") & " - " &
rs("tracktitle") & " (" & sDuration & ")" 
                End If
                iTotalNumberOfTracks = iTotalNumberOfTracks + 1
iNumberOfTracks = iNumberOfTracks + 1

3) I've changed the album sort order to be year within artist which is
the way (I think) most people organise their collections?
sQOrderBy = "order by artist,year,lcase(convert(albums.titlesort using

I have some issues with a handful of artworks, but I don't believe
these are connected to your code.

The last piece of the jigsaw for me is to get the sort order for
artists to ignore "The" so that "The Hollies" is under "H" not
"T"...I'm not quite sure how to do that.

Again, many thanks

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Kimber & Chord
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