schatzy;259463 Wrote: 
> Sometimes it takes a little while (sometimes as much as a day or more)
> to get someone on the forum that knows the answer to your question. 
> Most cable internet connections have a slower speed of upload than they
> do of download. Like my cable connection at my house has a download
> speed of up to 15MB sec (usually runs about 12MB) while the upload
> speed is only 768KB (usually runs around 680KB).
> You can check this at
> Click on one of the cities nearest you and when it has finished it will
> give you two numbers one is the download speed the second is the upload
> speed. 
> If your upload speed is less than 800KB you may have a problem,
> especially trying to run two streams.
> Also does your wife find that it is a certain time of day that this
> happens like shortly after school lets out? 
> I know in my neighborhood when school lets out and all the children
> arrive home the upload and download speeds go down  dramatically. This
> is caused by the amount of traffic on the system. The more traffic the
> slower everyone gets.
> Also what is the streaming bit rate? 
> I have tried to stream 360kbs tracks and it does not work well even on
> the 768 upload because of the overhead data that is required.
> So check your speeds and answer a couple other questions and i will try
> to help you try to get this sorted out.
> Speed Upload?
> Speed Download?
> Time of day it is the worst?
> bit rate of your tracks?
> Schatzy

OK tested at the worst time which is 10-11AM. In addition my daughter
is home, so no knowing what she might be sharing. (This is not normally
the case).

Up = 493 kpbs
Down = 7684
TOD = 10-11AM
bit rate = 192 kbps (for both streams)

which is much lower than what I had it. I had my wife down to this
level with myself still at 320. I had no issues, she had issues. I
lowered mine and it didn;t seem to help hers at all.

Also while testing, I was running 2 SS streasms as well as the SB3 (and
my daughter's computer previously referenced)



Sony XBR5 / Pioneer Elite VSX-94THX / Panasonic DMP-BD30 / Toshiba
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