I do not understand why a playlist-only scan should require a cleanup of
the database.

I have been asked not to discuss this in the bug tracker; apparently
extremely long, potentially unnecessary scanning is not considered a
bug.  (Possibly it's a feature?)

My comments from bug 6308 are listed below:


I have four playlists.  The scan of those playlists finishes in 28

I am then forced to sit through:

"Merge Various Artists" (1547 of them), takes 5:04

"Database Cleanup #1" (31782), takes 1:34

"Database Cleanup #2", might have finished in 2 minutes or so, hard to

So basically 9 minutes to scan my four playlists, with a lot of scans I
didn't ask for.


At the risk of trying your patience, can you explain to me why
doing the playlist checks you mention should require [the above listed
scans] . . .

>From the outside, I would have thought that a user-initiated
playlist-only scan would have meant something like this:

"I have created this playlist.  Please add it to your list of

It apparently also seems to mean:

"Please make sure every song in the playlist is present in the database
so you can play it."

which is fine, but I would not have thought it _also_ meant

"and while you're at it, conduct an eight minute cleanup of my

and I'm not completely sure why it should have to mean that. 
Especially when those other database cleanup scans take place AFTER the
playlist scan (if the messages to the user are to be believed), meaning
that the playlist scan doesn't even benefit from scanning a newly clean
database, if that was supposed to be the point.


Any help appreciated.  I cannot see how these additional database scans
and cleanups could under any condition be considered necessary.  If you
want a full database cleanup, then do a full scan!  If you've added new
music, do a full scan!  (Or a "new music scan".)

But if I just want to create a playlist and add it to my list of
playlists, that process should not require anything beyond checking to
make sure that the playlist entries are in the database -- should it?

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