>>it's far easier to demad change than to implement it (less
accountability in the former).<<

I agree with that.  But one should consider the user experience.  If a
scan is described as "playlist-only" when it is actually "NOT tracks,
then playlists, then every other housekeeping task we usually do", it
is not well described.

Consider further the user preparing for a Christmas party, who is
simply trying to get a playlist into SlimServer, and finds himself
waiting ten minutes every time he tweaks the playlist and wants to try
it again, and you might begin to understand the frustration that this
problem engenders.

>>I think it would be useful to know why the OP's case seems to take
noticeably longer than other posted results, especially given the
rather small playlist content.<<

That is a good question, and I don't know the answer.  The other posted
result, where the scan phases all took in the tens of seconds, was
significantly quicker than mine.  Sidhue didn't mention how many tracks
he is scanning, though . . . I have something like 31,000, which I take
to be a large number.  I also have a decently fast machine but by no
means a barnburner, and running Win XP, which I believe is probably
slower than Unix/Linux for the purpose.

I will mention that upping the database cache size from 10,000 to
100,000 seems to have resulted in the time for the subsequent scans
being cut to about four minutes from eight, which is nice . . . but
it's still a long time to turn around adding a playlist to the system. 
In addition, one has to be a bytehead to figure out how to increase the
cache size.  The system ought to prompt the user about resizing its own
cache, or do it dynamically, or SOMETHING that isn't "require the user
to find the proper configuration file and edit it."

I still don't completely understand why any further scanning is
necessary for a playlist.  As a list of tracks, any metadata searches
or whatever of the playlists (are there such?) should just look through
to the database tracks.  I don't know what else you were alluding to
when you said:

"Every check through playlists involves gathering new data (even if the
data is already in the database), which then needs post-scan processing
to sort out where it fits into the database. . . . It isn't always
about NEW data, but doing as good a job as possible to match the
playlist information with all that has been done to organise the
metadata for the tracks referenced."

What is this new data?  If the tracks are already in the database,
there isn't any new data . . . if they are not, then by all means add
them . . .

It sounds like the working assumption at design time was that playlists
might contain tracks not already in the database, so the scanner had
better handle that on the fly by adding them.  IF that's correct, I
guess it's nice that it does that, but not so nice if it does it to the
cost of all the users like myself, who put together playlists in text
files based on what's already on the server, and just want to add them
to the Slim database.

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