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First off - please check your quoting MrSinatra, I didn't say half the
things you've attributed to me.

That aside...

MrSinatra;267294 Wrote: 
> no duh.  the point is it is a very complex device that does many
> complex things for $299
> if apple can do it, logitech can.

I'm sorry, but this is just idiotic. You seem to be comparing things
because their both "complex". My car is a complex device, my DVD player
is a complex device, and a 747 is a complex device. Yet, somehow, they
end up costing very different amounts of money. Why? Because they are
DIFFERENT complex devices which do DIFFERENT tasks. An ipod shares very
little common functionality with a server. Here's one example, just for
kicks. Do a search on your ipod, watch how it takes up to a minute (in
my experience) to return the results. Now do the same on SC and watch
how it takes typically less than a second, even though it's searching
(in my case) a vastly larger collection. 

> i would argue its more specialized, and a touch screen, OS and browser,
> wifi etc...  
Indeed it is more specialised. And in this case, that allows them to
save money. It doesn't do most of the things that SS does, and so it
doesn't need the power that SS does. A Mac mini has an OS, browser and
wifi, and in fact you can run SS on it just fine. Costs more than a
touch though...why is that? It doesn't even have a screen...

> my point is you could specialize the hardware in a fat box to do the
> specific tasks SS does. 
And my point is you couldn't. As I suspect neither of us are in a
position to build such a device commercially I don't think we'll get
much further, but I would point to the simple lack of such a device on
the market as evidence that it isn't as easy as you seem to think it
is. In my experience if something's easy to make and there's huge
demand, someone has already made it.

> no, i am saying a box that doesn't need a computer at all and that can
> access external storage (via whatever method) is for me, a great
> product, and i would be willing to bet, is for other people too.
So it's magic? It can somehow run software and do all this stuff and
yet not be a computer? You don't seem to be understanding that pretty
much everything in your house with a power cord is a computer of some
kind, they're just more or less powerful and more or less general

> tivo sold me a box (i gave to my parents) that cost $100 plus the $300
> lifetime service.  the tivo does not need a computer EVER.  
Tivo does not need a computer because it IS A COMPUTER. It's a low
powered one for sure, with a couple specialist chips for things like
video encode/decode, but it's a general purpose computer running a
general purpose O/S (linux). It also doesn't have enough memory or CPU
power to run SS, and the hardware is sold at a subsidised price because
of the subscription.

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