Robin Bowes;268246 Wrote: 
> mvalera wrote:
> > Our first priority is to get Duet out the door. I'm sure once things
> > are settled a bit, either we or someone else in the community will
> > come up with a way to configure a SB Receiver without a SB
> > Controller.
> *cough*
> > But it will have to be on a WiFi enabled device, like a laptop, as
> > there is no other way to talk to the SB Receiver until it's gone
> thru
> > the network setup process.
> It can also be configured via the ethernet port.
> R.

Yeah, cough is right. Why can't you configure it via wired ethernet?
Most every network device embeds something to do this - I have a NAS
device that does this.  

Okay, Logitech's first priority was to sell the "duet" combo. But if
Logitech wanted, they could have created the SBR to configure itself
via wired ethernet. So a conscious decision was made by someone to
create the SBR to require the SBC for configuration. 

I don't want to start a flame war and certainly don't mean this as
troll, but why do I get the feeling this list is apologetic to
Logitech? Is the community getting paid to develop the product? Or is
Logitech using the community to develop a commercial product? I'm all


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