On 13-Feb-08, at 6:58 PM, djfake wrote:

> I'm very suspicious when someone in his position gets so defensive to
> comments made in a forum. We all should be...

into conspiracy theories then?

Hardly defensive, it's a fair evaluation given the perspective of "the  
other side of the wall".  It's very common in this forum for some  
people to make wild claims, then get upset when someone returns with  
equal vigour to correct those claims. I suspect you already know how  
that works.

The 'fanboy' example, mis-attributed as it was, is the counterpart of  
term 'troll'.  None of it really helps.

It makes one re-evaluate the effort given, paid or no. I don't envy  
those who are paid to be here.  I rather prefer the idea that I can  
withdraw my participation at any time.

Nobody should be getting labelled here. It really doesn't need to play  
out like this. I'd have even said these kind of stand-offs were  
comparatively rare up until about last week.  I guess the winter  
weather is getting everyone down.

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