I gave in to temptation and installed the 18th Feb build of SC7.0; but
I'm seriously minded to go back to 6.5.4... if I can! I suspect I've
managed to screw something up, but heavens knows what, or how.

I didn't uninstall 6.5.4 first, but the installation seemed to remove
it anyway; and then proceeded to ask me lots of questions, with
defaults that showed it hadn't inherited anything from my previous
installation. (For example, the music folder defaulted to My Docs\My
Music, not to my previous location, G:\My Music.)  This setup stuff
looks quite nice and friendly, but one black mark as it resized my
pre-existing Firefox window (I could've sworn I'd disallowed such
behaviour, but evidently not).

After the initial scan, things *looked* OK... at first. I quite like
the new Default view, but yet again I miss the "add next" buttons; also
as I discovered later, I need Fishbone in order to use TrackStat fully.

I wanted to install new versions of TrackStat, CustomBrowse,
DynamicPlaylist, etc.; so obtained the latest versions and put them
into the Plugins folder. No change until I restarted SC (accidentally,
when I looked at but didn't really change the "start on login"
settings). That's when all hell broke loose!

Now, I do get menu items for DynamicPlaylist and TrackStat - but there
are no items for Artist, Album, New Music, etc! I only see Music
Folder, Favourites, Random Mix and Playlists (and DynamicPlaylist and
TrackStat).  When I select the Fishbone skin, it goes mad, repeating
the header menu and flickering like mad until I choose one of the above
options. How could the UI get in such a screwy state? In Default view,
clicking on any of the top-level items does nothing - no feedback, no
busy cursor, just nothing.

But - assuming these are temporary UI glitches that I can escape - I
have a separate problem: I can only see one playlist, instead of the
hundreds that I had before.  My Playlist folder is the same as my Music
folder, and almost all of my playlists use relative pathnames
(Artist/Album/01-track1.flac, etc.) I can still see the other
playlists, via Browse Music Folder, but they all look empty. My fear is
that relative pathnames will no longer work. If so, then I'm not
interested in SC7! Hard to believe this, though, since many of those
playlists were generated by SlimServer, so it chose to use relative
paths, not (just) me.

The one playlist I *can* see under Playlists is called mediamonkey. And
it's completely empty. The file mediamonkey.m3u isn't empty, but again
contains relative paths. (There's another playlist of the same name
elsewhere in the folder hierarchy, which *is* empty; but I don't see
why it would be found but not any others.)

What I can see of the scan logs (which isn't much, yet) suggests that
scanning completed normally, and didn't bomb out before scanning the

Maybe with some more digging around, or maybe with a bit of
backtracking (e.g. removing the plugins), I can make progress; but this
is far from the pain-free upgrade for which I was hoping!

I've no more time for faffing about with it tonight. Tomorrow, I'll
probably reinstall 6.5.4 (which had *better* work!) and leave SC7.0
well alone until it's officially released... or maybe even wait for

-- Brian

Brian Ritchie
Brian Ritchie's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2319
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=43636

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