Brian Ritchie;270815 Wrote: 
> Now, I do get menu items for DynamicPlaylist and TrackStat - but there
> are no items for Artist, Album, New Music, etc! I only see Music
> Folder, Favourites, Random Mix and Playlists (and DynamicPlaylist and
> TrackStat).  
Try to disable Custom Browse and restart. 

Custom Browse has some options to remove the default menus you mention
so you can replace them with the corresponding Custom Browse menus
Do you know if you had these options enabled in Custom Browse in the
6.5 installation before you upgraded ?
Either way, you should be able to goto the Custom Browse settings   and
select the settings section called "Enabled SlimServer menus" and then
make sure all the checkboxes is checked, save and restart

I suspect the real problem might be that the Custom Browse directory
parameters is configured incorrectly, the result is that it doesn't
find the corresponding Custom Browse menus.

Brian Ritchie;270815 Wrote: 
> When I select the Fishbone skin, it goes mad, repeating the header menu
> and flickering like mad until I choose one of the above options. How
> could the UI get in such a screwy state? In Default view, clicking on
> any of the top-level items does nothing - no feedback, no busy cursor,
> just nothing.
Known problem, I have to fix this, thanks for reminding me.
I've seen it in 6.5 in some situations but haven't really found out why
it occurs, but it seems to happen more often in 7.0.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and Database Query plugins'
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