Rich85;275425 Wrote: 
> First one is that if I have a two albums with the same name then SC just
> mixes them together into one album, even though they are by different
> artists.
Make sure the albums are placed in their own directory. Remove any disc
# tags (DISC for flac, TPOS for mp3). If the disc # is set SC thinks all
the files belong to the same multi-disc album because multi-disc albums
allow each disc to be in their own directory.
Rich85;275425 Wrote: 
> Another is that I can't get the disabled file extensions to work. In the
> box I put (m4v, mp4, mov, mpg, mpeg,) but all my videos still appear in
> SC.
You need to do a full rescan after changing the disabled file
Rich85;275425 Wrote: 
> Finally this ones not really a problem but I couldn't figure out what
> was going on. When I first did a scan of my library at the iTunes
> import part the progress seemed to get stuck at about (1850 out of
> 25000 songs) and stayed there for about an hour and half, before
> continuing the scan like normal.
Can't help you with this one, never used iTunes myself.


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