bobkoure;278778 Wrote: 
> Speaking as someone who's worked in network communications for, well,
> more than thirty years: email is -not- a reliable method of
> communication - DO NOT -depend- on it.
> It's much the same as sending a Western Electric Telegram - it's a
> -best effort- delivery system. Folks try hard to make sure it actually
> works, but, sometimes it does not.
> FWIW, it's a lot more fragile now than in, say, the 80's as there
> wasn't a spam "arms race" on - but even then it did not -always- get
> through.
> Yes, apparently the problem this time 'round was somewhere in the
> Logitech outbound stream. It happens. Yes, being connected is central
> to a lot of what Logitech is doing. It still happens.
> That said, I use email all the time (of course). But I don't -depend-
> on it...

I too, am involved with company email systems.  Most spam filters allow
only 5-10% of the email through.  There is an "arms race" going on
between ISPs and Spam generators.  Email servers can drop mail for a
host of non Spam reasons.  Combined, it's amazing how much email
actually makes it through.

The bottom line is that, as bobkoure stated, email is not a reliable
method of communication.  Getting mad because someone didn't respond to
email is analogous to getting mad at someone because they didn't answer
your knock when they were on vacation in Bermuda.

If it's important and email isn't working, call.

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