On the other hand, here are my experiences contacting SlimDevices
customer support:

#1: My SB won't boot at all.  Total failure after 3 months.
I emailed support on sunday, the got back to me monday morning and said
it could be the wifi card (known issue).  I removed the card, worked
fine.  They swapped out the card, and it has been fine since.

#2: I was at an open house and said, "hey, do you have any back covers
for the slimp3?".  Sean said, "hold on a sec".  Came back over with a
rear cover set, free of charge many years after the product had been

Not to be mean, but the phone number in the card transaction is there
for a reason.

SuperQ's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2139
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=44576

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