ModelCitizen wrote:
> Thanks for your reply Peter but all you advise is a bit over the top for
> me. 
> * Run Softqueeze (& java - unnecessary permanent overhead. Do not want
> graphic interface either) 

You have a PC dedicated for this stuff? What PC, bought in the last 5 
years, is incapable of running  SoftSqueeze/Java and Squeezecenter 

You're running Windows already, which means you're pretty much stuck 
with the graphic interface.

> * Run VNC (I only have one permanently on PC, it runs SlimCenter? Now I
> want it to be an audio source too)

VNC is a very minimal tool that allows you to control your 
headless/always on PC from a non-headless/not-always-on PC. You must 
control the thing someway, right? Remote Desktop is fine as well of course.

> * Run a Linux PC (learn a new OS for one app? I have children)

I didn't say you had to learn it, just run it. You don't have to be a 
Linux expert to run a few programs. BTW, what you want runs fine under 
Windows, it's just that *I* would prefer Linux for this application. 
SqueezeCenter just runs better on it.

> For my immediate requirements it looks like all I need to do is get
> Squeezeslave to run as a service (or put up with the permanently open
> dos box and the fact that it only starts at login).

I feel you have the wrong end of the stick on this whole headless thing.

> It's all a bit immaterial at the moment though. Syncing Squeezeslave
> appears to have destroyed the sound output from all my players.

That's Windows for ya ;)

Good luck.

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