Is this circle-jerk ever going to end and see Fast-Forward and Rewind
implemented for the Squeezebox?  It takes all of a second for anyone
familiar with other audio equipment to realize that functionality is
completely missing.

The design goal is pretty straight forward, so I don't understand how
so much time can be wasted talking about it when it can better be spent
on the engineering to achieve that goal.

Single press of FWD or REW buttons - skips to Next or Previous tracks. 
(We have this now)
Long-Press (press and hold) of FWD or REW - Fast-Forwards or Rewinds
through current track. (This still needs to be implemented)

That's the basic functional premise and user-interaction. The only
other design elements are visual presentation and audible presentation,
neither of which actually change the basic design and functionality.

Once the functionality has been engineered (it should be done in such a
way as to not disallow the playback of partial audio), the presentation
design can be decided and possibly spread over a number of options.
Such as auditory feedback on/off (some CD players for instance let you
hear accelerated audio while others don't), temporarily replace display
with large-format progress bar so you can clearly see where you are in
the song, etc.


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